Candidate for Regional Councilor, Region 2
I am Tim Sinclair and I am Running for Region 2 Council position. I am originally from Kenora Ontario. My Family moved to Kenora (Rat Portage) in the 1890s.
I have been with the MNO since 2004 and I have been involved with the consultation side of the MNO for quite a while now. Acting as a replacement for R2CC and LRC members who were unavailable. Or by invitation for a variety of different meetings and events taking place. I have been on the Superior North Shore Métis Council before 2009.
Recently when a large part of the Thunder Bay Council approached me, It was then I decided that it really was time for me to “Step Up”. These people have seen my work ethics. They know my history and know that I have what it takes.
I have learned a lot from some exceptionally good Métis Leaders and Volunteers from all districts. Many have sent their best wishes and a couple have said “Its about time.” Therefore, I would like to assist in the decision-making process and determine priorities for the future of the Métis Nation of Ontario.
I believe in taking the time to listen to the many Proponents and all the Special Interest groups I have had the pleasure to work with over my career. Along with my time in Métis Consultation I believe that the knowledge I have gained is going to be great asset. I believe I can show the many people we deal with. Our Métis Ideas, Values, Beliefs and Behaviors. This in turn will help them to understand who the Métis are and why we matter.
To see a more comprehensive Bio and my Standing on the current issues please check out My Facebook page Or Email me at