Candidate for MNO Youth Council Region 2 Youth Representative

Hi there! My name is Ashley Sheriff. I am a 17 year old Metis person in High school about to graduate and this is my first time running! I was born and raised in Neebing but moved all around region 2! This means I know a lot of youth in Neebing, Thunder Bay, Red Rock, Nipigon, and more! I also participate a lot for my School Board (SGDSB) So I know a lot of youth in other areas too.
But you might be wondering why I want to run! The idea first popped up when Margret Froh came to the Metis camp I was at and told me about the election. Ever since then I have been talking with youth in my area to see what they would like to see and be changed! And I must say there is a lot! I then went around and asked for signatures to run in the election and so many volunteered. I have always been a go and do it kind of person so when I announced I was running a bunch of people started to give me ideas on what to do!
Some of the ideas I thought were amazing and because I am so well known in the communities of region 2 a lot of people told me what they wanted to see! I believe because of this I should be the next region 2 youth representative. I have so many big ideas including but not limited to youth gatherings, youth camps, funding for youth to participate in activities that aren’t available to them currently, and so much more!
I want to create a place for youth online that don’t know a lot about their culture and who they are. I want a safe place for these youth so that they can go learn more and meet a bunch of people so they can proudly learn and teach about the culture! I wish this type of thing was around when I was growing up as I wasn’t sure what to do with the information of being Metis! Now that I have the chance to run I want to take this opportunity to do everything I wanted as a kid to learn about my culture and to have knowledge keepers come in and present something new every 2 weeks!
I also want to add that I love getting emails from youth in my area so if you were to elect me I would respond ASAP to them and if what you were asking I couldn’t answer I would email the connections I have to answer them! I want to be the next Region 2 representative so if you like what you are reading don’t forget to vote for me and if you have any further questions don’t hesitate to ask!
I would love to be your youth representative and I would love for the opportunity to speak for the youth that I grew up with!