Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services is pleased to announce the second of three Request for Proposals issued through the First Nation, Inuit, Métis Urban and Rural 2012/15 Housing Program.

The deadline for submissions to the 2013/14 RFP is 2:00p.m. EST, January 31, 2013.

First Nation, Inuit, Métis Urban and Rural 2012/15 Housing Program

Rental Housing Development Program
(Income-Rent-Calculation, Affordable Rental Units, Supportive & Transitional Housing)

The First Nation, Inuit, Métis Urban and Rural 2012/15 Housing Program – Rental Housing Development Program is intended to target gaps where need has been identified off-reserve, outside of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), but provision of Aboriginal housing through previous programs has not taken place, or there is data to support a serious shortage. In addition, communities have been identified where Aboriginal renter households are identified with incomes at or below the 60th percentile that did not get FIMUR rental allocations.

The maximum capital contribution under the Rental Housing Development Program is up to $170,000 per unit. It is expected that any project requiring more than $150,000 will be able to demonstrate higher costs or deeper affordability. Allocation under the Rental Housing Development Program is flexible and will be determined by evaluating each project on its own merit to allow for consideration of actual cost, contingent on several key variables including (but not limited to):

  • Cost effective program delivery approach;
  • Community/geographical area,
  • Location,
  • Size of the unit(s),
  • Cost of construction,
  • Cost of land, and
  • Special needs that impact the design of the unit (i.e. accessibility requirements, accommodating large and extended families).

The project capital will not have a repayment provision provided that conditions are met over the period of the agreement. Equity build up will be created by forgiveness over the 20 year affordability term of the encumbrance as well as through any potential capital appreciation.

For full program details, please view the Program Guidelines.


A Request for Proposal (RFP) has been issued for 2013/14. To access the application package please click here.

Please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document and/or send an email to fimur-rfp@oahssc.ca.