Submitted by Ted Norris, OARGP Coordinator

responsible-gamblingLeft to Right – Vikki German, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long
Term Care and Loma Rowlinson, MNO Problem Gambling Prevention
Program Coordinator

The MNO continues to provide a coordination and evaluation role for the Ontario Aboriginal Responsible Gambling Program (OARGP), which is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care (OMHLTC). The OARGP consists of eight members including the MNO. The other members are: Nishnawbe Aski Nation; Ontario Native Women’s Association; Independent First Nations; Kenora Chiefs; Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians; Union of Ontario Indians; and the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres Together OARGP members strive to raise awareness about problem and responsible gambling, as well as educate and inform using culturally relevant approaches.

On April 21-23, the OARGP had a well-stocked display and information booth at the Provincial Gambling Council’s Discovery 2015 Responsible Gambling Conference.

Approximately 225 regional, national and international delegates visited the table over the course of the conference. The delegates learned about the good work of the OARGP working group and the MNO’s role in its success. OARGP continues to build and nurture relationships with like-minded groups to ensure MNO citizens, both young and old, receive the best information possible about healthy gambling choices.

The MNO has committed to be engaged in the OARGP at least until 2017 and hopefully beyond. Congratulations to the OARGP working group members for an outstanding display!