Join us for the 4-part online domestic violence workshop series taking place every Wednesday evening in October from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM EST.
The focus throughout this series is on teaching participants about different types of violence, boundary setting, cycles of abuse, triggers, consent, emotional regulation, trauma bonding, coping skills, grounding, mindfulness, Q&A, and much more.
Each weekly session follows a different theme and provides resources, and a prize draw for attendees.
The sessions have individual registration links and you must register for each session you wish to attend. See below for links and session topics!
Workshop 1- Developing Healthy Relationships
October 4, 6:30PM to 8:30 PM
Registration Link
This workshop will cover topics such as:
-DV / IPV statistics
-Impact of violence on women and children
-Boundary Setting
-Red Flags, Green Flags
Workshop 2 -Domestic Violence and The Cycle of Abuse
October 11, 6:30PM to 8:30 PM
Registration Link
This workshop will cover topics such as:
-Boiling Frog Metaphor
-Cycle of Abuse
-Cycle of Narcissistic Abuse
-Types of abuse and how to identify them
-Characteristics of victims and perpetrators
-Brain Wiring – Childhood Abuse
Workshop 3 – Should I Stay or Should I Go?
October 18, 6:30PM to 8:30 PM
Registration Link
This workshop will cover topics such as:
-Trauma Bonding
-Preparation to flee
-Safety Planning (pre-flight)
-Stats on leaving and post-separation abuse (ie average is 7 times for a woman to finally leave)
-Financial consideration and resources
-Post-separation abuse
Workshop 4 – Healing After The Storm
October 25, 6:30PM to 8:30 PM
Registration Link
This workshop will cover topics such as:
-Coping Mechanisms
-Emotional Regulation
-Identifying Feelings, Feelings Worksheet
-Innate Survival Mechanisms, Window of Tolerance
-Grounding and Basic Mindfulness
-Add Indigenous Meditation
-Culturally relevant healing and medicines