Cultural Awareness Training In Owen Sound (1)
MNO staff hosted 40 service-providers at a Métis
Cultural Awareness Training session in Owen
Sound. Click here for larger picture.

On March 21, 2017, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) staff in Owen Sound hosted 40 service-providers at a full day Métis Cultural Awareness Training session. The event took place at the Grey Bruce Health Unit and was designed to help service providers in non-Indigenous organizations gain a better understanding of MNO citizens and the services provided at the MNO Owen Sound office.

Service providers were treated to a traditional opening and prayer and MNO staff delivered a Métis 101 presentation to strengthen the participants’ understanding of Métis culture and people. Participants also took part in a Métis Healing Moccasin workshop, provided by MNO Victim Services staff, which emphasized the importance of self-care for individuals working to end violence against Indigenous women. The Healing Moccasin Workshop allowed participants to think about and discuss the importance of service providers being conscious of vicarious trauma acquired while working with individuals experiencing violence.

Overall, the event was a huge success and participants left with a better understanding of how to more effectively work with their Métis clients.

Posted: May 16, 2017