Gloree And Shelia (1)
(Left-right) Gloree Hersom and District
School Board of Niagara-Dalewood French
Immersion Public School Advisor Shelia
Maracle. Click here for larger picture.
Gloree Hersom was an attendee at the 2017 MNO Infinite Reach March Break Camp during the week of March 12-16, 2017. At the March Break Camp Gloree was inspired by the teachings and history provided by facilitators and after returning home with the assistance from the Métis Family Wellbeing program, she was able to plan, develop and create her own unique style of teaching about Métis Culture.

On May 18, 2017, Gloree had the honour of teaching about the Métis sash to over 100 students at District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) and Dalewood French Immersion Public School (DFPS) in St. Catharines. Students at Dalewood participated in a series of Indigenous workshops from various Indigenous groups; including a Métis Dot Art lesson from Niagara Region Métis Council Chair Brian Kon.

During the presentations, Gloree taught about the traditional uses of the sash and the meaning behind the colours and patterns. Gloree then instructed the students on sash weaving and provided tips and strategies on how to weave. Gloree received praise for her teachings. Dalewood Principal, Jennifer Tye stated, “Gloree did a fantastic job! She had everyone engaged and she spoke with confidence.” DSBN First Nation Métis Inuit Advisor, Sheila Maracle also provided positive feedback, “I am so proud of Gloree. For someone who is only 17 and to be able to share their culture with over 100 students is an amazing thing.”

Gloree is finishing the 11th grade at the DSBN Academy in St. Catharines. Once she graduates in 2018, Gloree has plans to become an underwater welder and a child and youth worker. When asked if she would like to present again, Gloree stated, “I was nervous at first but once I got into the swing of things I really enjoyed it! I would love to do it again!”

Posted: June 27, 2017