The Métis Nation of Ontario congratulates Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Liberal Party of Canada on their re-election


[OTTAWA – September 21, 2021] The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) offered congratulates to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Liberal Party of Canada on their re-election.

“The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) has long been a leader in the fight for Métis Rights, including securing the 2003 watershed Supreme Court of Canada Métis rights decision in R. v Powley. Over the past six years, we have worked with the Government of Canada to make strong and long-awaited advances towards recognition and respect for Métis Rights, including with the Métis Government Recognition and Self-Government Agreement signed in June, 2019—the first ever Métis self-government agreement in Canada’s history,” said MNO President Margaret Froh. “We look forward to continuing to advance our shared work under that agreement and under our 2017 tripartite agreement with Canada and Ontario to advance reconciliation, in order to further advance Métis rights and to address Métis economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“The MNO is looking forward to working with the Liberals and any party in a minority government that is committed to advancing Métis rights and closing the socio-economic gaps for our Métis citizens,” said President Froh. “Although significant progress has been made in the past several years, there is still a great deal of work ahead.”

Some of the critical issues Métis citizens face today include higher rates of unemployment, higher risk for illness and inadequate housing conditions. This year, in addition to dealing with the impacts of the pandemic, Métis have also been experiencing the devastating impacts of discoveries of hundreds of unmarked children’s graves at former Residential School sites across Canada.

“We will be looking to this government to address these issues meaningfully and with conviction,” said President Froh.

As part of their 2021 platform, the Liberal Party has made numerous commitments to continued work on a government-to-government basis with the Métis Nation of Ontario and other Métis Nation governments that is based on respect, partnership and the affirmation and recognition of Métis rights, including:

      • Co-developing and continuing to invest in a distinctions-based Mental Health and Wellness Strategy that meets the needs of Métis;
      • Continuing—in close collaboration with the Métis Nation—to deliver distinctions-based support in response to COVID-19;
      • Working with the Métis Nation to ensure that the Indigenous Languages Act continues to be fully implemented;
      • Working with the Métis Nation to continue to fully implement An Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis Children, Youth and Families with long-term, predictable, and sufficient funding to support its full implementation; and
      • Fully implementing An Act Respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and co-developing the Action Plan to achieve the objectives of the Declaration.

“The MNO looks forward to continuing our work with Canadian Government partners to ensure these priorities are being met, that we fully implement our Métis Government Recognition and Self-Government Agreement, and that meaningful and measurable benefits to our citizens and communities are achieved, not just for our generation but for future Métis generations to come,” said President Froh.