By: Beth Honsberger, MNO Consultation Intake Clerk

Pickering tour
Members of the MNO Region 8 Consultation Committee, local MNO citizens and representatives
from OPG. Front Row: Scott Berry, William Shannon, Claire Kearns, Frances, Connolly, Senator
Alis Kennedy, Marilyn Brown, Richard Brown, Senator Cecile Wagar, Elsa Poitras, Senator Joseph
Poitras; Bach Row: Beth Honsberger, Devi Shantilal, Pat Keenan, Patrick Shannon, Julian Shannon,
Anita Tucker, David Neville, President Richard Cuddy of the MNO Credit River Métis Council and
President Robert Bird of MNO Toronto-York Region Métis Council.

On Saturday April 6, members of the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Region Eight Consultation Committee participated in an information exchange with Ontario Power Generation (OPG) and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) concerning the renewal of the Pickering Nuclear Operating License.

Representatives from OPG and the CNSC responded to questions and concerns about the licence renewal and concerns regarding safety and sustainability of nuclear power. The MNO Lands, Resources and Consultations Branch were taken on a tour of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station, which offered an inside look at some of the site’s operations.

A community gathering was held which brought together local citizens from Region Eight, as well as the MNO Peterborough and District Wapiti Métis Council, to participate in meaningful discussions with OPG regarding the performance of the Pickering Nuclear site and their fish monitoring and diversion measures. An overview of operations at the Pickering site was also provided. After the engagement session, attendees provided their feedback to be submitted to the CNSC regarding the renewal of the Pickering Reactor Operating License.

Thank you to all MNO citizens who participated and the representatives from OPG and the CNSC. The MNO is looking forward to future engagement with Ontario Power Generation regarding the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station.