Effective Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 12:01 AM EST, the provincial government is issuing a stay-at-home order requiring everyone to remain at home with exceptions for essential purposes, such as: going to the grocery store or pharmacy; accessing health care services; exercise; or essential work.

This order and other new and existing public health restrictions are aimed at reducing the number of daily contacts with those outside an immediate household. In addition to limiting non-essential trips, all businesses must ensure that any employee who can work from home, does work from home.

These measures will be in place for 28 days.

To interrupt the dangerous trend of transmission in Ontario communities, hospitals, and long-term care homes, the following additional public health measures will be enacted:

      • Outdoor organized public gatherings and social gatherings are further restricted to a limit of five people with limited exceptions. This is consistent with the rules during the lockdown during the first wave of COVID-19 in spring 2020 and will allow individuals and families to enjoy time outdoors safely;
      • Individuals are required to wear a mask or face covering in the indoor areas of businesses or organizations that are open. Wearing a mask or face covering is now recommended outdoors when you can’t physically distance more than two metres.

What does this mean for the MNO?

      • All MNO Employees will continue to work remotely;
      • In person meetings should be rescheduled or moved to online or over the phone.

You can contact the Community Relations team at MichaelSk@metisnation.org if your council needs more information or assistance on using Zoom.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Loma Rowlinson (LomaR@metisnation.org) or Glen Lipinski (GlenL@metisnation.org) from MNO Community Relations, or HumanResources@metisnation.org.