MNO Grand River Métis Councilor Diane Kilby
proudly displays the moose mitts she created at the
Moose Mitt Workshop. Click here for larger picture.
On January 21, 2017 at the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) office in Kitchener, the MNO Grand River Métis Council (GRMC) held the first session of a Moose Mitt Workshop. It was facilitated by MNO GRMC Treasurer Leslie Anne Muma with the assistance of Councilor Alicia Hamilton. The first session taught beading, for those unfamiliar with the skill, as well as the two-needle beading method. Everyone worked hard on their designs some drew their own while others used some of designs the MNO GRMC provided. The very enthusiastic students got busy with their beading for the rest of the afternoon. While there were a few minor mishaps, band aids were on hand for those needing them. There were a lot of laughs and everyone had a great time.
The second session was on February 12, 2017. MNO GRMC President Jennifer Parkinson assisted with this section, which focused on attaching to fur the mitts, sewing them together and sewing the stroud inserts together. Most were able to get at least one glove completed during the afternoon. The MNO GRMC’s very own Senator Carol Lévis completed both her mitts within about a week or so of the workshop. Job well done Carol!
Posted: June 19, 2017