Submitted by: Joanne Meyer, MNO Director of Intergovernmental Relations

CAMA conference_NOV2016
(L-R) Bernie Hughes, Director of Aboriginal Affairs Branch,
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines; Joanne
Meyer, MNO Director of Intergovernmental Relations; Maria
Vandenbrand, MNO Citizen, Métis Youth Panel Moderator
and Driller at New Gold; Chris Reeves, Business
Development Manager at New Gold; Theresa Stenlund,
PCMNO Region 1 Councillor; and, James Comegan, Big
Grassy First Nation Councillor. Click here to view a larger
version of the picture.

On November 7, 2016, Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) President Margaret Froh was among MNO representatives who attended the 24th Annual Canadian Aboriginal Minerals Association (CAMA) conference in Ottawa. Also in attendance was Theresa Stenlund, PCMNO Region 1 Councilor; Ernie Gatien, PCMNO Region 4 Councilor; Joanne Meyer, MNO Director of Intergovernmental Relations; and Jason Madden, MNO legal counsel.

CAMA was founded in 1991 with the help of Aboriginal communities, mining industry and several financial, consulting and legal groups throughout Canada. One of their key objectives is to bring Aboriginal communities together so that they can learn from each other. The focus of this year’s conference was: Embracing the Past. Mining the Present. A Rewarding Future, where they aimed to help the youth, inform industry and governments, and bring the past forward to teach future generations and ensure their futures.

President Froh was invited to participate in an Aboriginal Leadership Armchair Panel in which they discussed the direction, community needs and Aboriginal laws that should be understood when managing mineral exploration and discoveries on Aboriginal lands. The Panel also discussed how to proceed with projects regardless of the Mining Act and other legislation, and how the mining industry gets involved and complies with Indigenous laws.

MNO youth were also represented at the conference by MNO citizen Maria Vandenbrand, who works as a driller for the New Gold mining company, moderated a Youth Panel in which MNO citizen Eric Gosselin served as a Métis representative. Gosselin works for Detour Gold as a Mechanics Helper.

MNO legal counsel Jason Madden led a session on Understanding the Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in the Daniels Case,as well as a session on the Ministerial Special Representative Report on Métis Rights: Implications for the Resource Development Industry.

Published on: December 1, 2016