PCMNO Meeting Recap Report
September 24 – 25, 2024
On September 24, 2024, a hybrid meeting of the Provisional Council of the Métis Nation of Ontario (PCMNO) was held, with elected MNO leadership, staff, and legal counsel present.
Strategic Priorities, Rights & Self-Government Updates
Aird & Berlis LLP led discussions during the in-camera session.
On September 25, 2024, the hybrid PCMNO meeting continued with elected MNO leadership and staff.
President’s Update
President Margaret Froh
President Froh began her update by acknowledging the two returning Senators: Executive Senator Steven Callaghan and Senator Liliane Ethier, as well as the two incoming Senators: Senator Donna Grenier and Senator Cecile Coutu. A swearing-in ceremony was held during which the Senators signed their Oath of Office and Oath of Confidentiality.
President Froh also addressed the recent news regarding the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S) withdrawal from the Métis National Council (MNC). The MNO expressed disappointment over MN-S’s decision to withdraw prior to the release of the MNC Expert Panel report. The MN-S withdrawal is inconsistent with its earlier support for the MNC General Assembly’s decision, which included forming the Expert Panel to review the seven historic Métis communities in Ontario. The Expert Panel, composed of respected Métis academics, was appointed by the MNC Governing Members, including MN-S, but operates independently. Its report is expected to be ready in October 2024. The MNO continues to work with other Métis governments to advance the collective interests of the Métis Nation.
Feasibility for Métis Childcare Centres
A resolution was passed for PCMNO to direct the MNO administration, particularly the Early Learning and Childcare Branch to commission a feasibility study/business case to explore the possibility of establishing MNO operated, affordable, culturally relevant, childcare centres in communities.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the feasibility study/business case should consider, including other factors, geographic factors, demographic and socio-economic factors, current availability of childcare spaces, average costs, cost of development, operational costs, and funding models.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the MNO administration report back to the PCMNO for further consideration and final determination on the matter.
Appointments to the Finance and Audit Committee
The Finance and Audit Committee (FAC) is a sub-committee of PCMNO. The FAC consists of the President (ex-officio, non-voting), the Secretary-Treasurer as Chair, and three (3) PCMNO members. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), and Chief Operations Officer (COO) are ex-officio members.
Two (2) vacancies on the FAC prompted a call for new members among PCMNO members. A resolution was passed to approve the appointment of Executive Senator Callaghan and Councillor Anderson to the Finance and Audit Committee.
Child & Family Services Update
The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) has been working on a project for the past five years to identify its role within the child welfare system. If the MNO becomes a listed community in child welfare legislation, agencies and services defined under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act would have a legal obligation to notify the MNO when working with a Métis Citizen in Ontario.
This is a complex endeavour requiring specialized expertise, and further updates will be provided in the coming months.
Return to Office Policy Update
MNO HR Consultant, Erin Stephens, provided an overview of the new Return to Office Policy, which will come into effect in November 2024.
Housing Investments Inc.
The MNO continues to manage all housing operations. A resolution passed authorizing the MNO Secretary/Treasurer and other signing officers to take the necessary steps to dissolve the dormant Ontario Housing Investments Inc. and set a process to move forward on developing a comprehensive infrastructure and real estate investment plan for the MNO.