Statistics Canada is currently conducting the International Study of Adults (ISA) which is part of an international survey to identify skills used by adults such as reading, finding information and using computers and technology, and to learn about their education, work experience and use of key work skills on the job.

The survey seeks to include more than 5,000 Métis, First Nations and Inuit people living off reserve across Canada and it is possible that Métis Nation of Ontario citizens will be asked to participate. The results of this study may provide benefits to Aboriginal populations, communities, organizations and governments as they work towards making improvements in the well-being of Aboriginal people.

  • The survey results will provide governments, organizations, and communities useful information to improve programs and policies targeting Aboriginal populations.
  • Survey information will highlight strengths and weaknesses in education and employment programs and policies targeting Aboriginal populations.
  • Survey information could be used to contextualize information about Aboriginal populations collected in other surveys.

The International Study of Adults is conducted under the authority of the Statistics Act.

Please inform others in your community that this survey is underway.

For more information contact Lorraine Lafortune toll free, at 1-800 363-6720 or click on the following link: