OTTAWA, ON – The Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) acknowledges the announcement of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s resignation and reflects on his time in office as one marked by significant advancements in reconciliation between Canada and Indigenous peoples, including the Métis Nation.

Under his leadership, the MNO saw historic milestones advancing reconciliation with Métis communities in Ontario, including the 2017 MNO-Canada-Ontario Framework Agreement on Advancing Reconciliation, the Agreement on Advancing Reconciliation the Northwestern Ontario Métis Community, and signing two Métis self-government agreements in 2019 and 2023, which provide legally binding commitments and affirm the inherent rights of Métis communities in Ontario, providing a pathway toward self-determination. We have also witnessed broader progress for the entire Métis Nation, such as the signing of the Canada-Métis Nation Accord in 2017 and the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

While these initiatives laid a foundation, a renewed reconciliation agenda that prioritizes the urgent and specific needs of Métis citizens as represented through their chosen Métis governments must be advanced by the next Prime Minister. This must include addressing the housing crisis, ensuring equitable access to healthcare, and tackling the climbing cost of living—challenges that disproportionately affect Métis communities in Ontario.

As Canada prepares for new leadership and an eventual federal election in 2025, we urge all political parties to engage meaningfully with recognized Métis governments and ensure reconciliation with Indigenous peoples remains a central focus of their platforms. The promises made by the Crown to Métis communities in Ontario must translate into tangible actions, ensuring that commitments are honoured, and progress is achieved.

As the only federally recognized Métis government within Ontario, the MNO remains steadfast in advocating for the over 30,000 rights-bearing Métis citizens and the historic Métis communities it represents within the province. We are committed to working collaboratively with all leaders, across party lines, to advance reconciliation and build a future that respects and upholds the unique priorities and aspirations of Métis citizens and communities in Ontario.