Submitted by: Glen Lipinski, MNO Community Relations Coordinator

Thank you welland
Deputy Mayor of Welland Paul Grenier presenting cheque to MNO Niagara
Region Métis Council President Derrick Pont.

On July 31, the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) Niagara Region Métis Council was heavily involved with the very successful opening ceremonies of the 2013 Canoe Federation Junior and Under-23 Sprint World Championships at the Welland International Flatwater Centre. The council’s involvement even included bearing the ceremonial torch.

The City of Welland was very appreciative of the council’s participation in the event and as a result was willing to cover the expenses associated with the council’s involvement.

Deputy Mayor of Welland and MNO citizen Paul Grenier presented the council with a very generous cheque for $1,400.00 on behalf of the city.

Thank you City of Welland!