Citizens of the Métis Nation of Ontario.

Pursuant to Article 32 of the Métis Nation of Ontario Veteran Council (MNOVC) Community Code, the council is serving notice of Two (2) vacancies that currently need to be filled on the council.

  • MNOVC Women’s Representative
  • MNOVC Senator

Interested candidates need to send either a Resume or Letter of Intent with recent address and MNO Citizenship number to council.

All nominated candidates will need to be verified as per MNO Policy #2018-001. Those candidates who do not meet the verification requirements will not be able to participate as a candidate.

Please submit your interest to the council anytime from Sept 25, 2021 and will stay open until filled. Council will inform the successful candidates after their next council meeting following receiving applications.

Any questions or concerns please contact the Métis Nation of Ontario Veteran Council (MNOVC):