Contract Term: April 1, 2015 – March 31, 2016 Application Deadline: July 30, 2015
For inquiries or to submit your electronic proposal contact:
Lee-Anne Van Buekenhout, Project Coordinator –, 613-867-0344
Urban Partnership Program Background
This project is funded through the Urban Partnerships Program. The objective of UPP is to increase the participation of urban Aboriginal people in the economy. The overarching approach to achieve this outcome is through the development and/or enhancement of partnerships at the community, regional and national level. UP investments will reduce barriers, whether real or perceived, to urban Aboriginal peoples’ participation in the economy by achieving the following objective: Projects prepare, enable and empower urban Aboriginal people, particularly youth, to access available education, employment and skills development activities and services;
Statement of Purpose
The following project will lead to the production of a final report with the intent to support Métis youth reach their full potential and work to remove barriers to education and employment. The steps to reach the final report will include engagement and knowledge transfer sessions and partnership contributions that will be carried out over the length of the project. The expected results will lead to Métis urban youth better prepared for education and employment, Métis communities with higher levels of youth employment and a strategy to better support Métis urban youth.
Project Overview
The project will serve to both generate information and transfer knowledge. Knowledge will be transferred by providing skills for Métis youth to pursue post-secondary training and perform research. The training will include topics such as leadership, enhanced labour market knowledge, financial literacy and Métis way of life. Partners will be invited to provide information and share their stories. The engagement session initiative will provide an opportunity to collect information and data from Métis youth on barriers to full participation in the Canadian economy and strategies to overcome the identified barriers. The feedback and results from these sessions and partner interviews will be synthesized in a report that will serve to inform future programming within the MNO as well as project partners’ program collaboration, policy making and investment approaches for Métis youth.
Required Activities
Consultant in collaboration and with direction from MNO will be required to perform the following activities:
- Plan and present the transferring skills component of the session
- Facilitate and record the engagement component of the session
- Produce an information package for the Métis Youth
- Invite relevant speakers and participants to the session
- Develop follow up survey about the effectiveness of the skills transfer component
- Interview the project partners to access their knowledge and understanding on the barriers to employment for Métis Urban Youth
- Produce the final report
- Provide project partners with final report
- Produce a survey and gather the results of project partner’s comments and reviews of the final report.
Up to 15,000 for Engagement session planning and coordination, facilitation/note-taking – $1250, Final report development – $10,000.
The Proposal
Bidder name, contact person, address, telephone number, email address
1. Expression of interest in the initiative
2. Relevant work experience
3. Experience with non-profit organizations and Aboriginal organizations
4. Proposed approach to scope of work and required deliverables
5. Proposed Timeline for sessions and reporting
6. Financial break down – total price of services rendered, detailed breakdown of price by session and major tasks.