PCMNO Senator Verna Porter-Brunelle, Villageois
Vice-President Victor Brunelle, Villageois
President Rosita Des Roches, Villageois
Treasurer Shirley Desroches, Villageois
Secretary Louis Maheu, Villageois Advisor
Claire Boudreau
On April 7th Provisional Council Métis Nation of Ontario (PCMNO) Senator Verna Porter-Brunelle presented the board of directors of the Le Villageois retirement residence with the MNO book Values and Traditions of Our Ancestors.
Le Villageois is located in Lafontaine, and is in MNO Region Seven. It offers retirees the opportunity to live comfortably, and is managed mostly by volunteers, social clubs, and people taking part in community living.
According to Senator Porter-Brunelle, a high portion of Villageois residents are Métis, and a Métis flag hangs in the foyer of the residence as an expression of their pride.
Senator Porter-Brunelle presented the book so that it would be available for the residents of Le Villageois, as well as the people of Lafontaine who come to play cards and take part in activities. Senator Porter-Brunelle has copies of the Métis Voyageur newspaper delivered to the residence regularly, where they are greatly appreciated.
Values and Traditions of Our Ancestors tells the story of how modern generations are working to maintain and continue building Métis heritage; it is a valuable addition to reading material of Le Villageois.