Submitted by: Storm Russell, MNO Senior Policy Analyst

health conferenceMNO Senior Policy Analyst Dr. Storm Russell (left) and MNO Policy
Analyst Cody Carmody (right) in front of the MNO poster showcasing
MNO’s participatory approach to research and knowledge
translation, along with findings from the 2015 MNO-CCO cancer
risk factors study Cancer in the Métis People of Ontario: Risk
Factors and Screening Behaviours.

This year saw the fifth consecutive year in which Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) researchers presented findings from MNO’s substantial program of collaborative research at the annual Canadian Public health Association (CPHA) Conference. The 2016 conference, entitled Public Health 2016, was held at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto from June 13 to 16. The conference attracted researchers, policy-makers, administrators, managers, front-line health workers, and students from across Canada and internationally, as well as media with an interest in public health.

MNO presentations this year focused on a study conducted in 2015 in collaboration with lead investigator Dr. Loraine Marrett from Cancer Care Ontario (CCO), which examined cancer risk factors, and a second intervention study carried out by Dr. Martin Cooke (University of Waterloo) and Dr. Piotr Wilke (University of Western Ontario) in partnership with the MNO and other colleagues. This study examined the capacity of local health systems to respond effectively to the needs of Métis and other Indigenous children who are at risk of, or experiencing, childhood overweight and obesity.

More information about the conference and both research projects can be found at the following links:

* Public Health 2016
* The Healthy Weights Connection Project
* MNO-CCO Métis Cancer Risk Factors report: Cancer in the Métis People of Ontario: Risk Factors and Screening Behaviours

Posted: July 13, 2016