(back row left to right) Joanne Meyer, MNO Chief
Operating Officer; Richard Quintal, MNS Chief Executive
Officer/Chief of Staff; Thom Isaac, Cassels Brock &
Blackwell LLP; Jason Madden, Pape Salter Teillet LLP;
Zachary Davis, Pape Salter Teillet LLP; Aaron Barner,
MNA Senior Executive Officer; Jennifer St.Germain,
MNO Chief Strategy Officer. (front row left to right)
Glen McCallum, MNS President; Audrey Poitras, MNA
President; Margaret Froh, MNO President.
A historic meeting of the Métis Governments of Ontario, Alberta and Saskatchewan concluded today in Edmonton, Alberta.
This meeting marks the first time elected representatives of the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO), the Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA), and the Métis Nation – Saskatchewan (MNS) have assembled together since signing Métis Government Recognition and Self-Government Agreements (MGRSA) with Canada in June 2019.
Increasingly the MNO, MNA, and MNS have been working together to advance common interests trilaterally and to develop shared and balanced solutions to advance reconciliation, self governance, and community well-being.
The meeting concluded with the three Métis Governments passing a joint declaration and setting out their commitment to continued cooperation and shared priorities, including working with Canada to create federal legislation to implement the MGRSAs as well as develop a federal policy to address Métis land claims.
- Joint Press Release [PDF]
- Joint Declaration [PDF]
- Resolution [PDF]
Other Links:
- FAQ: Tri-council meeting of Métis Governments from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario and the MNC’s response
- Métis Governments of Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta gather in Edmonton [Day One Recap]
- Métis Nation of Alberta
- Métis Nation – Saskatchewan
Posted on January 17, 2020