The MNO strives to support the efforts of citizens and communities to reclaim, revitalize, maintain, and strengthen Métis languages in Ontario.
- We know that Michif is the language of the Métis people. Like most Indigenous languages, the number of Michif speakers declined due to the colonization process that attempted to stamp out the use of languages other than English and French in Canada. Thankfully, efforts are now underway to preserve the Michif language and introduce it to Métis youth and a new generation of speakers. Through our programs offered, the MNO will:
- Provide opportunities and support for Métis citizens and communities to access resources to deliver activities that incorporate Métis languages in Ontario
- Provide opportunities for Métis citizens and communities to engage in activities that strengthen Métis languages in Ontario
- Provide opportunities for Métis Citizens and communities to share their language with other Canadians
For more information about the services and resources offered, please contact
La Nation métisse de l’Ontario s’efforce d’appuyer les efforts des citoyens et des communautés pour récupérer, revitaliser, maintenir et renforcir les langues métisses en Ontario.
- Nous savons que le michif est la langue du peuple Métis et comme la plupart des langues autochtones, le nombre de locuteurs du michif a diminué en raison du processus de colonisation. Un processus qui a tenté d’éradiquer l’utilisation de langues autres que l’anglais et le français au Canada. Heureusement, des efforts sont maintenant en cours pour préserver la langue michif et la présenter aux jeunes Métis et à une nouvelle génération de locuteurs. Grâce à nos initiatives, la Nation métisse de l’Ontario :
- Offre des possibilités et du soutien aux citoyens Métis et aux communautés pour qu’ils aient accès à des ressources afin d’offrir des activités qui incorporent les langues métisses en Ontario.
- Offre aux citoyens Métis et aux communautés l’occasion de participer à des activités qui renforcent les langues métisses en Ontario.
- Offre aux citoyens Métis et aux communautés l’occasion de partager leur langue avec d’autres Canadiens.
Pour plus d’informations sur les services et les ressources offerts, veuillez contacter
Learning Resources
To check-out our Learning Resources section make sure to click the button below!
Translation Inquiry FAQ
Translation can be requested in Ontario Michif and Michif Cree.
Historical information can be provided on a number of Michif language dialects. This includes Michif, Heritage Michif, Bungi, English Michif, Brayet and Michif French.
There is a large variety of items that can be translated. Any print materials (including books, reports, magazine articles, maps, brochures, posters etc.) as well as audio visual materials like CDs, DVD, radio and TV broadcasts can be translated.
Translation requests are $50.00 for the first 15 words (about 3 sentences) and $1.00 for each additional word. Larger and special projects may require a quote.
The process for a translation request can take 6-8 weeks to process, depending on the size of the request. Please note that larger projects may take more time.
Presentation Inquiry FAQ
Presentation Request Forms:
Overview and use of MNO Michif resources as well as historical information on a number of Michif languages. This includes Michif-Fransè of Ontario, Heritage Michif, Bungi, English Michif, Brayet, and French Michif.
The cost of presentation and further details can be found on the request form.
The presentation is adaptable and varies depending on the group/audience.